Poem: Wanderer there is no path

Posted by Theresa Nguyen on

Bruno Roldan, VP of Marketing @ Shopify, shared something yesterday and it sat with me all day. 

"[This is a] passage from a poem my father used to read to me as a kid [by Antonio Machado]."

Traveler, your footprints are the path, and nothing else.
Traveler, there is no path. A path is made by walking.
A path is made by walking,
and in looking back one sees
the trodden road that never
will be set foot on again.

"A little bit meta, but this is my takeaway; We are all afraid of missing out, worried we aren’t aligned, worried the path isn’t set. But this poem reminds me that every step we take makes the path. The exact path to success is unknown. Seeking perfect alignment, while noble, is but a traveler's dream.

Here’s a link to the full poem. A little bit butchered from its translation from Spanish but pretty good none the less."

Photo credit: Christian Mackie - following his own path @ mountains.mackiec.ca

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