Monday, April 23

Posted by Theresa Nguyen on

Location: Toronto

Health status: small scare in the morning but stabilized.

Surgery: pushed to Tuesday and then pushed to Wednesday.

Dana woke up early and ran over to catch the doctors‘ rounds where they update what happened during shift and what the plan is moving forward.

The doctors wanted a more in-depth echo of her heart by inserting the cam through her mouth. They discovered what looks like vegetation growing on her artificial valve.

She skyrocketed a fever mid-morning and went grey. Luckily Dana was sitting nearby and caught it. He quickly escalated it to the nurses. Maeve’s meds were increased and put back on muscle relaxants. She stabilized within an hour.

Tomorrow’s plan is to snake a catheter into her and check pressure level in her heart chambers. This data will help inform them of what actions they can prepare for when they do surgery.

They suspect they’ll need to replace two valves in total. Her artificial one and the tricuspid valve.

Everyone is preparing us for the high possibility that after this surgery, Maeve will be need to be put on the heart transplant list. What that will entail is still unknown.

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