Location: Ottawa → Toronto
Health status: S’okay
The next morning, after a 20 min dash into the house to grab whatever clothing my hands touched, I jumped onto the stretcher with Maeve straddled in my lap. We were loaded into the bright orange helicopter for a nauseous 1.5 hour flight. The paramedics were hilarious and I enjoyed chatting and listening to all the gossip. There was a big scandal a few years ago when the CEO bought what’s basically the Ferrari version of helicopters. While very nice to have it was completely inappropriately outfitted including having the stretcher lift too high that nobody could preform CPR in flight.
Maeve fell asleep half way through the ride along with my right arm pinned under her weight

Our transfer to ICU was uneventful. More familiar faces including “Dr. Mermaid” (nicknamed by the girls for her bright, multicolored nail polish). Toronto’s ICU is different from Ottawa’s. In Ottawa, every patient has a private room. In Toronto, most rooms have 4+ beds a chairs that don’t decline. I was encouraged to go home and sleep. The plan was to move Maeve to the observation floor the next day. That ward expects parents to stay with their kids full time.
My cousin picked me up and I was able to relax with some wine, laughs and stories.