Thursday, April 26

Posted by Theresa Nguyen on

Location: Toronto

Health status: stable

We almost had an uneventful day. It’s all settled down now. 

We received a call in the middle of the night. Maeve’s pupils were uneven and they were taking her to get a CT scan. They suspected either a stroke, brain bleed or seizures. 

Two hours later, they called back with CT results. No to stroke and bleeding. 

Later in the day Maeve got an EEG test and seizures were ruled out. 

Other than that, her heart has been steady. They took her off muscle relaxants so she can move and open her eyes. Still super doped up so she can’t really focus. She does wiggle WAY more when she hears Dana’s voice over mine 🤭

Thank you for all your encouraging messages yesterday. They were beautiful to read - we felt so loved. 

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  • Thinking of al of you everyday and sending love. A big hug for that amazing little Maeve.

    Cait, Son, Josie and Marisa on
  • Wow! What a journey! Mighty Maeve is mighty, indeed! She has some mighty strong parents too!

    Kathryn Martin on
  • We are super relieved to hear that the surgery went well. Sending your family lots of love from Orleans!

    Huy on

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