Location: Toronto
Health status: stable
Of course, minutes after I publish the last exuberant update, Maeve’s blood pressure drops and the doctors decide they need to re-intubate 😣
The doctor walks me through the risks again including cardiac arrest as the room starts filling up. I get shuffled into the waiting room.
Not even 2 minutes pass and the doctor walks in.
Doctor: I changed my mind. She responded really well to the epinephrine. I’ve gotten permission to keep her on a low dose all night and hopefully that’ll keep her pressures stable. You can come back in.
Wednesday and Thursday passed beautifully. Her IV rack is getting lighter with more meds being transferred to oral. They took out her femoral line because she kept exploding poop over it. Her chest drains and temporary pacemaker wires are gone.
Two hand IVs and neck line to go!!!
Thinking about you all loads ❤️