The first blog post

Posted by Theresa Nguyen on

Today's mini musing - procrastination. Thoughts and words flow in my head as I rush to get supper ready. I'm writing next to my stove praying for the water to boil faster. Groceries scattered across the floor, children chanting passive aggressive songs about starvation.

Not quite the environment I envisioned for writing my first beautiful post.

I've been procrastinating this writing for months. I wanted the perfect domain, perfect build up, perfect article, and perfect launch with soaring views. It dawned on me a few minutes ago that hurriedly typing next to my stove is better than not writing at all. Am I writing for some imaginary reader base? No.

If I'm honest, I'm writing because it makes me feel fucking great. 

Someone once told me the best ideas come when you're on the toilet. Your brain goes on automatic and your "right side" brain yippees as it finally gets a chance to squeeze in a creative thought.

So what have I learned after 4 weeks of procrastinating? 

In those moments where your mind quiets,
what thought pops up?
Can you write 1 sentence about it? Good - now write it.

Next week, I'll actually write about the Artist's Way. Today though.... today I just feel like writing about the spark that finally got me off my ass.

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